Class WhatsAppAPIFailedToVerifyError

Thrown when the signature provided in the request's headers isn't valid

The signature provided in the request's headers isn't valid. Either they are hacking you, or your App Secret is invalid.

Make sure you provided the correct app secret on initialization. It can be found in your Meta's app dashboard, inside App Settings -> Basic.

new WhatsAppAPI({
appSecret: "your-app-secret",
// other options

It might also be possible you didn't provide the correct request header for the signature (x-hub-signature-256). If you are using a middleware and this seems to be the case, consider opening an issue on GitHub.

⚠ If you are just testing the API, you can disable the signature verification by setting the secure option to false on the WhatsAppAPI constructor. Obviously, this is not recommended for production.

new WhatsAppAPI({
// appSecret: "Not required",
secure: false,
// other options

Hierarchy (View Summary)





httpStatus: number

The HTTP status code of the error


  • get docs(): string

    Returns string
