Action API object

Use ActionFlow instead

Hierarchy (View Summary)




  • Builds a data exchange flow component for an Interactive message


    • flow_token: string

      Flow token that is generated by the business to serve as an identifier

    • flow_id: string

      ID of the Flow provided by WhatsApp

    • flow_cta: string

      Text on the CTA button, character limit - 20 characters (no emoji)

    • mode: "published" | "draft" = "published"

      Must be "published" or "draft"

    • flow_message_version: "3" = "3"

      Must be "3"

    Returns ActionDataExchangeFlow


name: "flow"

The name of the component

parameters: {
    flow_action?: "navigate" | "data_exchange";
    flow_action_payload?: { data?: unknown; screen: string };
    flow_cta: string;
    flow_id?: string;
    flow_message_version?: "3";
    flow_name?: string;
    flow_token?: string;
    mode?: "published" | "draft";
} & (
    ({ flow_action?: "navigate" | undefined; flow_action_payload: { screen: string; data?: unknown; }; } | { flow_action: "data_exchange"; flow_action_payload?: undefined; }) & ({ flow_id: string; flow_name?: undefined; } | { ...; })

The Flow parameters

Type declaration

  • Optionalflow_action?: "navigate" | "data_exchange"

    The Flow type. If set to "navigate", flow_action_payload must be provided.

    Defaults to API decision if not provided ("navigate")

  • Optionalflow_action_payload?: { data?: unknown; screen: string }

    Required if flow_action is "navigate", must be omitted otherwise

    • Optionaldata?: unknown

      Optional input data for the first Screen of the Flow. If provided, this must be a non-empty object.

    • screen: string

      The ID of the first Screen

  • flow_cta: string

    Text on the CTA button, character limit - 20 characters (no emoji)

  • Optionalflow_id?: string

    Unique ID of the Flow provided by WhatsApp

  • Optionalflow_message_version?: "3"

    The Flow version, must be 3

  • Optionalflow_name?: string

    Flow name provided by the business as an alternative to flow_id

  • Optionalflow_token?: string

    Flow token that is generated by the business to serve as an identifier

    Defaults to API decision if not provided

  • Optionalmode?: "published" | "draft"

    The Flow can be in either draft or published mode

    Defaults to API decision if not provided ("published")