Address API object

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Builds an address object for a contact. A contact can contain multiple addresses objects.


    • Optionalcountry: string

      Full country name

    • Optionalcountry_code: string

      Two-letter country abbreviation

    • Optionalstate: string

      State abbreviation

    • Optionalcity: string

      City name

    • Optionalstreet: string

      Street number and name

    • Optionalzip: string

      ZIP code

    • Optionaltype: string

      Address type. Standard Values: HOME, WORK

    Returns Address


city?: string

The city of the address

country?: string

The country of the address

country_code?: string

The country code of the address

state?: string

The state of the address

street?: string

The street of the address

type?: string

The type of the address

zip?: string

The zip code of the address